The Weekly Slice

Bananas: The mule of the fruit world

If you get our service then seeing bananas on a daily basis is nothing new. Bananas; as a whole, are somewhat easy to forget about when it comes to thinking about fruit. This is likely why information about bananas seems so alien. Did you know bananas can’t reproduce? Growing bananas is an interesting game. In this…

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Personalized wellness is the new wave of eating

Until recently, dieting experts have extolled the benefits of wide-ranging diets. We hear about cutting out parts of our diets which can lead to drastic and often difficult-to-follow meal plans. With that in mind, personalized wellness is prominently positioned as one of the biggest trends in food this year according to the Global Wellness Summit. Adding…

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Stonefruit is taking over but what is it?

As the calendar turns into summer, it’s time for a new season of fruit! Thanks largely to global farming efforts, we’re able to get most every fruit at most any time. It’s awesome because we get all of our fruits out of season but it provides a false sense of growing seasons. All this to…

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Foods you need to skip to improve your wellness

Often times we have suggestions about what you should eat and how to best accentuate your overall wellness. Today, we’re changing focus a little and talking about the foods that you should definitely avoid to stay on that path to your goals. In an article from Healthline, we can take a look at 11 foods which…

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Is your snacking lacking? Fix it with some healthy goods!

Working at a desk provides unique challenges with eating. Some contend that eating at your desk should be avoided at all costs and have their reasons why.However, if you just can’t get away from the work, sometimes you just need to have a snack right then, right there. Studies seem to indicate that “working lunches” negatively…

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The link between our brains and food is growing

The Center for Disease Control released a study in 2017 which shows that only one in 10 Americans gets their daily allotment of fruits and vegetables. Ironically, despite those numbers, Dr. David Ramsey says that most Americans are overfed on calories. Ramsey has written three books about dietary issues and feels that a strong connection exists between what we…

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Rainier cherries: The flavor of summer

Washington is the in the top three of producers for 22 different varieties of produce being the No. 1 producers in 10 of those categories. Apples reign supreme as the largest crop in the state. That’s not surprising but what may be is that cherries bring nearly $500M to the state annually. Many will know why but…

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Local produce is better…but why?

ThirdLeaf NW is unique in that we do what we can to bring in fruit which is fresh and local. The vast majority of our apples and pears come from Washington State and our oranges come primarily from California. We brag about it but why is it important? According to wellness guru Jillian Michaels’ website,…

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Forget running, try rowing instead!

So you have your eating habits in order and now you’re ready to fight the “battle of the bulge.” If you’re anything like the 100 million Americans who experience chronic pain annually, you may have to balance your workout aspirations with how much you can physically handle. Weightlifting and resistance training is great for your…

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How do we pick fruit?

Almost on a weekly basis and at countless free trials, we hear a similar question: “How does ThirdLeaf NW pick its apples and seasonal fruit?” It’s a simple process with a lot of checks and balances. You may have noticed that recently the fruit we’ve delivered to your business has been heavy on citrus, pears,…

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