Fruit Delivery Seattle
ThirdLeaf NW prides itself on getting the finest and freshest seasonal fruit delivery service to our Seattle area clients. Whether it’s through taste testing or hand-picking, we make sure the fruit our clients have delivered is of the highest quality. We often catalog where in the harvest calendar we are in relation to what time of year it is.
Right now, we see a lot of citrus in our fruit delivery as well as pears and the year-round apples but something exciting happened this week. Despite the winds and driving rains we got a blast of sunlight. Literally and figuratively. This upcoming week, ThirdLeaf found some unique opportunities to add some spice to our Seattle fruit deliveries even as we saw a temporary sun break in SoDo.
Office fruits provide flavor for local Seattle neighborhoods
We received some interesting fruits this week. We got nectarines for the first time in 2020. Stone fruit usually aren’t available until the summer time but getting these provided a nice break and gave a splash of variety for our office fruit baskets.
The superstar of the week was an unexpected fruit we’d never handled before. Enter the Lemonade Lemon. Normally, seeing a lemon in a office fruit basket is a “nice addition” of color but we put them in our fruit delivery bins for a reason.
Lemonade lemons are crossed with mandarin oranges which makes them just sweet enough to eat. Not only are they easily edible, these lemons live up to their names. They taste exactly like lemonade! Originally, we met these fruit with some trepidation but after one bite, we were all in.
ThirdLeaf NW is frequently trying to find new and unusual fruit for our clients. Some of the other unique favorites we’ve had are kiwi berries, gator plums and starfruit.
If you haven’t had a lemonade lemon before or are in need of some summer in your gray day we can provide a tasting to show you just what we can do. Enjoy office fruits delivered to your local Seattle neighborhood today!