Get Outside Before the Rain Comes!

Though the “official” rainy season begins in December, we locals know that Washington’s rainy season really starts in October. Before the inevitable downpour comes again, take advantage of the beautiful fall weather and get outside! Don’t worry, we’ve done the hard part by picking out some of the most perfect fall activities for you!

Take A Hike

We mean this in a positive way, of course! We are lucky enough to have some of the most beautiful hiking trails in the U.S. right in our backyard. Take your family or friends to a state park for the perfect picnic spot with the most amazing views. Whether you want the beach, the mountains, a peaceful trail, or hardcore mountain climbing, there is the perfect trail for you somewhere nearby!

Fruit Picking

Some of the best fruits (in our humble opinion) are at their peak in the season! Take advantage of local, pick-your-own farms for fresh fruit that you can harvest yourself! Better yet, head to a pumpkin patch and bring home some festive decor. Sitting outside with a cozy fire while you carve pumpkins and roast pumpkin seeds is the most picturesque fall activity we can think of!

Admire the Fall Foliage

New England might get all the credit, but Washington’s nature knows how to do fall. Take a loved one and explore the beautiful fall foliage found in abundance in our state! Though you can get some pretty amazing views within the city, explore nearby lakes and parks, such as Green Lake or even the Washington Park Arboretum, for the most magnificent scenery that will surely take your breath away! Soak up the fall spirit before it’s seemingly washed away!