If you’ve been to Safeco Field any time in the past decade then eating insects is not a new concept.
If you aren’t a baseball fan or just haven’t been to the Safe recently you can still get in on what is anticipated to be a major food trend in 2019.
Benchmark, an organization globally recognized as a top international hospitality management company has released what it believes to be 10 food trends to cash in on with 2019 right around the corner.
Smack-dab in the middle of that list was–unsurprisingly– that insects will play a major role in American diets moving forward. I make this distinction because globally, eating insects is more widely-regarded as a pillar of the culinary community.
According to a Bloomberg piece, the global edible insects economy is expected to exceed $1B with the United States seeing nearly a 350% increase in spending.
Looking to get a jump on the trend? Just off of Pike, one restaurant has dared to venture into the world of culinary bugs. Nue in Seattle features insects on its menu listing the Thai Mang Da Na as something for the adventurous eater.
Bugsolutely already makes pasta from cricket flour in Thailand and silkworm snacks for the Chinese market. Massimo Reverberi, the company’s founder sees insects as the next great super-food.
“If you ask a team of scientists to design the perfect meat, they will probably come up with an insect,” he said. “Some people say it will be like sushi in 20 years. I am really optimistic that it may be a lot faster.”
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