To All of Our Supporters,

What. A. Year. Or should we say years? It sure did feel like a decade all rolled into 12 months.

All jokes aside, your support throughout this year has meant more to us than you may know. We were blown away by the love that our community showed to us and other local, women-owned businesses right from the beginning of the pandemic.

It seems that everyone learned a new skill during quarantine. For us, that was home delivery. When work-from-home became the new norm, we knew had to reimagine how we do things to continue providing you with Fresh Office Eats. Thank you to everyone who stuck by us while we worked through that transitional period. It’s been a fun new adventure!

Since our community showed us so much love, we decided to love it right back. Thanks to the generosity of some of our customers, we were able to donate to over 20 different community organizations, focusing on women’s shelters and the most vulnerable communities.





We donated to food banks, hospitals, shelters, and more all throughout the Greater Seattle area. We’re so grateful that we were able to provide over 7,000 of pounds of fresh produce to community organizations in need.

For a year that many people claim has been the worst in history, we sure have seen a lot of love, resilience, and joy. 2020 had its challenging moments, but perhaps the darkness helped us all to see and appreciate the light in a way we never did before.

We’re looking forward to the new year, as we’re sure many of you are too. We cannot wait to continue serving you and creating a healthier community one snack at a time.

See you in a few weeks when it’s time to start those healthy resolutions!