Washington state’s winter is off to an uncharacteristically snowy start, and the potential for more winter-wonderland days is high. According to the Washington State Climatologist, January to March of 2022 is expected to have lower-than-normal temperatures and high precipitation.
There’s a big potential snow will have us hunkered down at home a couple more times this season, so we’re here to make sure you have the best snow days ever!
Check out nine snow day activities to keep you cozy and content next time Elsa decides to Let it Go:
1.Enjoy warm drink recipes
There’s no better way to escape the woes of frigid weather! We’ve compiled a few easy recipes, including family-friendly options and alcoholic options like Spiced Cider, Mulled Wine, Homemade Hot Cocoa, Chai Latte.
2. DIY snow globes
Grab the kids and do a craft befitting a snow day! Anything involving glitter is sure to put a smile on their face. And you’ll always remember the fun you had because you’ll find rogue glitter on the table for the next two weeks. Worth it!
Get the instructions here!
3. Make snow cream
If you’re in an area where snow piles up, put it to a fun use! Combine clean snow with sweetened condensed milk and vanilla extract for a light ice-cream-like treat. It’s beyond delicious, crazy fun for kids, and you can store it in the freezer to enjoy for days after.
Get the full instructions here!
4. Jigsaw puzzles
Chances are, you have a jigsaw puzzle lying around your house somewhere that you’ve never made. This is your reminder to dig it out and make it instead of watching New Girl for the fifth time. Or do both at the same time. We don’t judge.
5. Blanket fort
We know this may sound like something only acceptable at a kids sleepover, but whether you have kids or not, blanket forts are just good old fashioned fun. Plus, they’re the definition cozy. Grab your roommate, SO, or a friend, and unleash your inner child!
6. Hit the kitchen
To you amateur chefs out there, don’t let a whole day at home go by without trying at least one new recipe! You probably have a ridiculous number of recipes stockpiled for “one day,” so make today that day. You can also find free cooking classes/tutorials from famous chefs on Instagram and YouTube.
7. Movie marathon
Harry Potter fan? Maybe Star Wars? Choose whatever nerdy yet beloved series you love most and park yourself on the couch. Make themed snacks to eat all day, and sport themed apparel if you have any. If you’re feeling bold, maybe try watching a series you’ve never seen before.
8. Closet clean-out
Something we always need to do and never have time for – closet purge. If you must entertain yourself indoors, you may as well do something useful for yourself.
(P.S. If you haven’t noticed, it’s COLD. There’s never been a more opportune time to donate your extra cold weather gear to people in the community who need it!)
9. Make homemade bread
Yeah, you read that right. Go ahead and laugh, but if there’s one thing you can always fall back on, it’s baking bread! After all, that bread maker you bought in 2020 is nearing 2 years old (ouch), and it’s probably been feeling neglected lately.