Natural Sugars, Sugar!

Ever wonder about the natural sugars in fruit? Most fruits contain natural sugars which is what gives you an energy boost after eating an apple or snacking on some orange slices. You may have been told to avoid eating too much sugar at one point or another, so does fruit count?

Your body actually metabolizes fruit sugar differently than processed sugars. Overall, most fruits contain lower sugar levels than any processed food you may eat, but certain extra sweet fruits such as mangoes and watermelons have high amounts of sugar. However, this is not to be confused with processed sugars.

The most common processed sugars you have probably seen on ingredients labels are corn syrup, fructose, galactose and the list goes on of words ending with ‘-ose.’ These types of sugars are manufactured and refined so that they can be used in bulk as additives to most processed foods.

Of course, all foods must be eaten in moderation, so don’t eat too much! Though it is considered healthy sugar, natural sugar is still sugar which too much of can lead to diseases and other negative health effects. Though, unlike processed foods, fruit provides you with many health benefits along with natural sugars such as vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and more! They are the perfect sweet alternative to heavily processed foods. Research shows that diets that are high in sugar are typically lower in nutrients, but that’s nothing a cup of fruit can’t help!

We’re not saying you can never have your favorite chocolate ever again, but substituting processed sugars with natural sugars in fruit and other foods is a great way to give your body its necessary vitamins and nutrients while satisfying that sweet tooth!

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