Boost Employee Energy and Motivation As You Head Into Fall

It’s hard to believe we’re nearing the end of summer already! It’s the last full week of August, schools are going back, and even the pumpkin spice latte is rumored to be returning soon.

Although the season of sun and fun is winding down, the momentum and energy in your office doesn’t have to. Here are our best tips for keeping your employees energized and motivated as you move toward autumn:


  1. Gamify office work – Gamification can boost motivation like never before because it gives employees a sense of forward progress and accomplishment. Mandatory tasks become a whole lot more fun if there’s a reward attached to them. Gamification is especially great for training/educational programs because employees can build up points and receive a certificate at the end.
  2. Free swag – Everyone loves free stuff. If you say otherwise, you’re probably lying to yourself. Branded merchandise will make employees feel appreciated and foster a stronger sense of loyalty and unity within company. As the weather cools down, you could provide sweatshirts, pullovers, or hats.
  3. Social events – This is a no brainer. People are still craving social interaction after the last 18 months. Creating social opportunities both inside and outside the workplace will get people eager and excited to come into the office each day.
  4. Food – Nothing provides an afternoon pick-me-up like free food. Nutritious snacks and meals are not only a great motivator, but they actually contribute to stronger employee performance. It’s a win-win for everyone!
  5. Positive office environment – Studies indicate that one’s work environment greatly impacts their mood, and thus their performance. Ensure the office feels comfortable, inspiring, and energizing. Check out some tips for creating an office environment your staff will love here!