Tips and Tricks to Prep for Fall

September 23 is the first day of fall (also known as the autumn equinox)! If you’re anything like us, you cannot wait for some cool weather, gorgeous scenery, and, of course, new fruit varieties! Just as spring cleaning comes so unexpectedly, fall also brings a number of tasks that must be accomplished before we can fully embrace the season. Here are some tips for achieving any responsibilities as fall creeps in.

Fall Cleaning

Yes, it is once again that time of year to clean! And yes, we mean everything from dusting to organizing to donating. We recommend following these tips to ensure you get in all the nooks and crannies! Your allergies will thank you.


With kids back to school and summer wardrobes gone, now is the perfect time to decide what clothes you will actually wear this season and/or any clothes you said you would wear this past year and did not. This also goes for anything else you have laying around the house! That chair collecting dust in the basement that you promised your spouse you would take to Goodwill? Its time has come!

New Recipes/Snacks

Back-to-school is the perfect time to try new recipes or introduce new snacks to your children’s lunches! Whether you want to start meal-prepping or sneaking in more fruits and vegetables, a new season calls for new beginnings, which can include your diet! Take a peek at ThirdLeaf NW’s weekly deliveries to spark some ideas for fresh fruit or healthy snacks that your family is sure to love!

Get Inspired to Redecorate

Who doesn’t love decorating for fall? It’s like a stepping stone to the holiday season! While cleaning your house, dig out some of those old fall decorations you say you’ll put out every year before you go buy anything new. Though if they are falling apart, we won’t tell anyone if you want to spruce things up! Get in the spirit and take advantage of your nice, clean house!