Renew Motivation for Your Healthy Resolutions

New year, new snacks. There’s no time like the present to eat healthier, try new things, and create new habits!

The second full week of January is the time at which many New Year’s resolutions meet their end, but we’re not going to let you off that easy. Consider this your official reminder to stick with it!

It may feel difficult now, but we’re here to make healthy eating as easy and convenient as possible for you. Get the fresh produce and healthy snacks you need to achieve your health goals delivered right to your office kitchen and your doorstep.

Healthy habits are built by starting small. What better place to start than snacks? Swap one packaged snack a day for a piece of fresh fruit and work your way up from there. The right snacks will make healthy eating both easy and fun!

In case you need more motivation to keep up your healthy resolution, here are some of the best health benefits of eating fruit:

  1. Fruits fight inflammation in the body, helping to relieve pain and prevent chronic diseases.
  2. Natural sugars provide long-lasting energy boosts that are as good as, if not better, than caffeine.
  3. In addition to being low in calories, fruit will keep you full longer than over-processed, packaged foods.
  4. Antioxidants found in fruit have been linked to low blood pressure and decreased cancer risk.

And that’s not all! There are countless other health benefits of fruit that are not listed above. If we tried to list them all, you might be here through your next meeting.

No matter what your resolution, we’re here to help. For more tips on a variety of health and wellness topics, check out our other blog posts here!