What is the best food movie ever?

And the award for best food film goes to…

Wait, that isn’t a category at the Academy Awards yet? Well I think it should be and the Seattle-Times’ Bethany Jean Clement spoke to Seattle restaurateurs and got their takes on what their favorite foodie films and who would take home the award.

So who were the big winners around town? Big Night was the movie most commonly brought up by area chefs and according to Little Neon Taco’s Monica Dimas, “The love and tenderness for the food resonated, because I was taught to know and love good food. The reverence for what you are serving guests, the process and work to get to the food you are willing to stand by.”

Dimas also mentioned Tampopo as another movie which seems to capture the imagination of our local chefs because they accent how these movies are all about the food and less about the drama.

One that may surprise you; it did me, was Ratatouille. Certainly this animated Pixar film captured the hearts and minds of audiences around the world with the story of a rat who wants to be a chef, but it’s interesting to see that it’s a favorite in the back of house.

In Ratatouille, the antagonistic food critic enters the restaurant with the idea to dash a young chef’s dreams with a scathing review. However, when he tries the dish, he’s transported back to his childhood and gives the “little chef” a perfect review.

According to Musang Seattle’s Melissa Miranda that experience is what she attempts to emulate every time she steps into the kitchen “every damn day.”

Our apples and snacks may not be walking the red carpet this year but they certainly are worthy on an award of some sort. Click here to have us bring a free trial to your business today!