The excitement and stress of the holiday season is behind us, but that doesn’t mean we’ve gotten through the thick of it just yet. Post-holiday blues is a real phenomenon, akin to symptoms of anxiety or even mood disorders. Let’s clarify some of these symptoms and how one can get through this challenging period.
The National Alliance of Mental Illness reported that 64% of people are affected by post-holiday depression or anxiety, though it is often short-lived compared to clinical depression. These emotions derive from the quick withdrawal of heavy stress after the holiday season. Let’s face it, your December day-to-day probably looks nothing like your regime mid-April. This time of year comes with lots of high-anxiety, stress-inducing expectations (but also love and cheer!).
When reality hits after the new year, and we all go back to that standard routine, it can feel like a slap in the face. Just remember, we’re all in the same boat, and you’re not alone. There are many tips and tricks to help you bounce back after the holiday season and maybe even get motivated for those New Year’s Resolutions.
The beginning of the new year is the time of self-care, and this looks different for everyone. Getting enough sleep and exercising may seem like two daunting tasks, but they are the basics. Eating healthy is another no-brainer, but don’t worry, we at ThirdLeaf got you covered in that department!
Another great tip for self-care is making sure you are scheduling time for fun. Get out your planner and block out times dedicated to relaxation and amusement. This could be watching an episode of your favorite show, or grabbing coffee with your friends. The possibilities are endless!
No matter what the holidays have had in store for you, the beginning of the year can be a struggle for everyone. Take the time to check in with yourself and those around you to ensure a happy and healthy new year!